As a lot of you know we have been working to help some fighters with their fight records. The more and more we dig we find out a lot more things and the biggest problem being is a lot of your records are incorrect or are not even recorded and we have found out the problem falls back to the promotion you fought for be it the wrong information was submitted or date of birth was wrong or not recorded.
Warriors Instinct MMA will be working with someone that has a lot of insight into the sport and is going to help us make these changes for you. This will not be an overnight process as we have to contact certain people and fill out the forms on your behalf. It will be a group effort we are taking on to help you the MMA fighter get your record straight and up to date.
If your record is wrong please fill out the form below. All information obtained will be used to fix your record, nothing more and your information you provide will not be sold or used in any other manner.
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