Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Premiere Amateur MMA Event In Our Area (Opinion Piece)


**This is an opinion article and it contains my opinion and my opinion only. In writing this article I mean no disrespect to anyone person(s) or events in anyway.**

My Team and I have gone to many fights in our area. We have showed up as press (and we were granted press passes to the event so we could cover the event) to some and we were just spectators at other events. Now we do not come from a MMA background beside being huge fans, not to say I myself do not have training in certain areas such as boxing, wrestling and Tae Kwon Do (blue belt), but that does not make me an expert nor a fighter as I never have stepped into the cage, but in my previous job fighting was one thing you had to depend on to defend yourself and others. So what makes me an expert into what I am about to say? Well nothing as this is my opinion.

I will first start out by saying our favorite MMA event we love by far love to attend is Cage Wars. So what separates Cage Wars from other events we have attended? Was it the press passes granted to us, was it the pay (we do not get paid to run this website nor do we collect a pay check from any event we cover)? It is neither, in fact it is the professionalism the staff at Cage Wars provides not only to us, but its fighters, trainers and everyone involved. Like I said we have gone to events we have paid for our tickets to go to, and I feel whole heartily nobody can compare with Cage Wars. I know by now you are saying to yourself my opinion must be influenced by something else as Cage Wars appears all over our website and no one else does. This is a true fact Cage Wars does appear on our website a lot and that is because besides them and one other event that is all we have been allowed to cover. Some events in our area may not have taken us seriously or maybe just thought we were looking to get into fights for free. What ever you may be thinking please take that from your mind, as we are here to shed light on MMA in New York State and just because you may hold fights in your area did you hold fights on the Capitals door step? Did you ever think to step back and think that Cage Wars opened this door for other events and allowed them to have events in our area? Probably not.

OK so I spilled the beans and let you know in the second paragraph that Cage Wars is our favorite event we have attended, and like I said this is not influenced because our Team has been granted press passes for Cage Wars 17 and 18 to include weigh-ins, because to be honest even though we receive press passes we work up to 30-40 hours after the event to get our coverage up in a timely fashion and mind you running a website that’s traffic rises everyday costs money. So why do we do it if it takes that much time out of our everyday lives to get our coverage up and pay the increasing size of our servers? We do it for the fighters, fans and all the others involved in MMA in New York State, to spread the word, which MMA fights are not “barbaric” and should be legalized in NYS. So what the hell does that have to do with Cage Wars? Well everything, Cage Wars was built on the bigger picture that no one else dared to do and that was bring amateur MMA fights to New York all the while maintaining a higher standard, and let’s face it no one can say that they are trying to cash in on MMA in our area, because like us Cage Wars must have had to invest money of their own (we have not invested the amount of money they must have to get them off the ground) and a lot of time including sweat and tears along the way.

If you have every attended a Cage Wars event or any of the other events in our area I know by know you may be thinking I am right, others maybe thinking this dude has taken one too many much need punches upside the head. Maybe I have, but once again these are my opinions. But let’s think about it if you attended or even heard about Cage Wars 18, which was one card that was stacked to the hilt, no holds barred just unadulterated MMA action. They had some of best amateur fighters in our area compete in well matched fights. Some of those fights could have gone either way just looking at the card. They didn’t give the fans a fight with a fighter with a 0-2 record against a 7-0 fighter, these fighters came into Cage Wars 18, well trained and ready to do what they have been trained to do and that is taking all of their disciplines and fight it out with a well matched opponent. I know some people may still be grumbling over one or two of the fights that took place that night, but did you ever take into consideration it is passion, love and respect for MMA that drives them. When was the last time you seen another athlete give their opponent a hug prior to competing, none the less trading leather to the face and shaking their hand when it was over? You don’t. We pay attention to a lot of the details that have gone into these events and the fighters fighting in said events. If you follow any one of these fighters out of the majority you will hear or read that the fighter that were competing against one the night before, now are talking about helping the other with their weakness or are letting the fans know the deep admiration and respect for their opponent. Now I know a lot of that type of thing falls back to the fighters training, their camps and teachers, but Cage Wars brings what we like to call the “Elite Amateur MMA Fighter” to the crowd for all to see. Now after saying that, if you are a local amateur MMA fighter and you have not fought in a Cage Wars fight, that does not mean you are not an elite fighter, I used that as an example of what I like to feel is the way Cage Wars should be looked upon when matching fights and as a whole.

Now before the hate mail starts, take into consideration these are my opinions and mine only. If you would like to discuss further anything I have brought forward, feel free to contact me via our contact page. This article was not intended to get anyone riled up, just to bring forth my opinion of something I believe in. I have the utmost respect for the amateur fighters and trainers as well as event promoters in our area, but if you haven’t checked out Cage Wars I suggest you do.

Premiere Amateur MMA Event In Our Area (Opinion Piece)

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